Order Tracking


Q: When will my order be shipped?

Orders are typically shipped from our United States warehouse within 2 business days after being placed. Once shipped, you can expect to receive your order within 2–5 business days.
Note: During peak promotional periods, there may be slight delays in order processing.

Q: How can I check the status of my order?

1. A tracking number will be sent to your email once your order has shipped. Please make sure to check your inbox (and spam/junk folder).
2. Visit our Track Order page and enter your tracking number to view the tracking information.
3. If you need further assistance, feel free to contact us at support@litime.com.

Q: I received one package from my bundled order, but the other packages haven't arrived yet. What should I do?

For bundled orders, items are shipped in separate packages and will have multiple tracking numbers. These packages may not arrive at the same time. Please check all tracking numbers on the Track Order page to track the remaining packages.

Q: The tracking information says my order has been delivered, but I haven’t received it. What should I do?

If your order shows as delivered but you haven’t received it, we recommend:
1. Checking with your neighbors to see if it was delivered to them by mistake.
2. Looking around your front door or other safe delivery locations where the package may have been left.
If you are still unable to locate your package, please contact us at support@litime.com, and we’ll investigate the issue further for you.

Q: What should I do if my tracking information hasn’t been updated for a long time?

If your tracking information hasn’t been updated for an extended period, please reach out to our customer service team at support@litime.com with your order number. We’ll investigate the situation and provide you with an update on your order’s status.